Install PureOS with manual partitioning¶
This procedure will install PureOS with manual partitioning. The partition layout shown below works for any size disk, including disks larger than 2 TB.
If you are familiar with partitioning a Linux system, you can also customize the partition layout, such as to use a second SSD.
Boot your system from the PureOS live installation medium. When the desktop appears, follow the steps below to install PureOS.
Start the Calamares installer. Click Activities in the upper-left corner, then click Install PureOS.
Ensure that you are connected to the power supply and the internet, and click Next:
Choose your time zone, set the system language and number and date locale:
Select your keyboard layout:
Select Manual partitioning and click Next:
Select the correct Storage device. If you only have one storage device, there is only one choice.
The first device is usually called nvme0n1 or sda.
The storage device selected will be erased.
Click New Partition Table:
Select GUID Partition Table (GPT) and click OK:
Select Free Space and click Create:
Enter size 8 MB. Select File System unformatted. Check bios-grub in Flags. Click OK:
Select Free Space and click Create:
Enter size 1024 MB. Select Mount Point /boot. Click OK:
Select Free Space and click Create:
Check Encrypt under File System. Type your chosen disk unlock passphrase in each box. Select mount point /. Click OK:
You can use the same passphrase for disk unlock and for your user if desired. Do not forget this passphrase. There is no way to recover your data if it is lost. If needed, write it down and store it in a safe place.
Select Next:
The installer displays a message about using GPT on BIOS systems. Click OK:
The installer displays a message that the boot partition is not encrypted. Click OK:
If you are using PureBoot with a Librem Key, PureBoot’s tamper evidence protects the boot partition.
Create a user:
Review install instructions:
…and confirm the installation:
Wait for few minutes:
And restart after it is done.