Frequently Asked Questions about PureOS
How often will PureOS receive updates?¶
Very often.
PureOS is updated almost daily with security updates and bug fixes.
What other web browsers are available in PureOS?¶
Graphical web browsers like Epiphany, Falkon or lightweight Dillo, but also textual web browsers! Search for them in the Software Center.
Will I be able to open photos, videos and music from my Windows/MacOS computers?¶
Yes, PureOS supports many multimedia file formats.
Will I be able to open external hard disk/USB memory drive formatted in Windows/MacOS?¶
Yes. PureOS’ Linux kernel has support for various filesystems, FAT32 and NTFS included.
Will I be able to open and work with Microsoft Office documents?¶
Yes, but PureOS comes with LibreOffice installed by default. While Microsoft Office formats are supported with LibreOffice, the level of the compatibility is not fully identical, depending on the complexity of the document. Check here for more info about converting Microsoft Office documents with LibreOffice.
You can also check the LibreOffice feature comparisons page to evaluate differences between LibreOffice and Microsoft Office.
You can install LibreOffice on existing Windows or MacOS system as well and see the differences yourself.